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Worship: In-Person or Online : Details

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Our History and Beliefs

The Liberty Tunnels opened in January of 1924, making possible vehicular traffic from downtown Pittsburgh into the South Hills and the development of suburban communities. Mount Lebanon traces its early and fast growth to this event. Our congregation began as a mission church in 1925 in response to the worship needs of Lutherans settling in Mount Lebanon. We are one of thousands of congregations holding membership in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). We are a part of the Southwestern Pennsylvania Synod of the ELCA and are the largest Lutheran congregation in the immediate South Hills suburban area.
  • As Lutheran Christians, we proclaim faith in the Triune God, confessing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. It is through His life, death, and resurrection that God redeems and fashions a new creation.
  • As Lutheran Christians, we recognize the canonical Old and New Testaments as the inspired Word of God that provide the authoritative norm for life in faith.
  • As Lutheran Christians, we worship God by the proclamation of His Word and administration of His Sacraments, as well as through lives and prayer, witness, and service.
  • As Lutheran Christians, we care for the sick and the aged, advocate dignity and justice for all people, work for reconciliation and peace among the nations and stand with the poor and powerless, all response to God’s love for us.

Sunday Worship

Liturgy of Word and Sacrament

In person: Sundays at 8:30 am and 10:00 am.  Children are welcomed in worship.  Nursery Care is also available.  Please follow social distancing & health and safety guidelines.  Face Coverings are optional and welcomed.
Virtually: Live 8:30 am EST on the congregation's Facebook Page or on-demand throughout the week on our Youtube channel
" In the celebration of Word and Sacrament, we proclaim faith in the Triune God, confessing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, God has redeemed us from sin and fashioned us into a new creation. We invite you to join us and to become a part of our church family!"
How To Use myEoffering to Donate
to Mt. Lebanon Lutheran Church
Programming Requests
Organizations requesting to hold meetings or conduct activities on Mt. Lebanon United Lutheran Church's campus should contact the church office. 
Mt. Lebanon United Lutheran Church
975 Washington Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15228
Phone:  412-563-0300
Rev. Doug Heagy, Pastor
Dr. Christopher Keenan, Director of Music & Organist
Kris Malia, Office Administrator