In-Person Worship
We hold in-person worship on Sunday mornings at 8:30 and 10:00 am. Also, special liturgies, vespers and other special worship as announced. Communion is offered to all Christians. Gluten-free wafers are available.
Sunday Morning Fellowship
All are invited for a time of fellowship between worship liturgies. Enjoy food, beverage, and conversing with each other inside or on the front lawn (weather permitting).
The Lordship of Jesus Christ is proclaimed in our midst and His loving presence is celebrated in both Word and Sacrament.As part of God's creation made new in Christ, the people of God sing and make music around the sacramental elements, words, and actions that bear God's grace. Music illuminates God's word, helping it to resonate in the hearts and memory of the community of believers gathered and the individual. From worship,we are sent with grateful hearts, bearing the witness of Christ to each other and all we encounter. It is through worship that the Holy Spirit empowers us to participate in God's mission to the world.